What We Do
Family Promise leverages a community-based response to address the root causes of family homelessness and housing insecurity
We address the issue holistically, providing prevention services before families reach homelessness, diversion when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured or regained housing to ensure they remain independent. We tap existing local resources to empower families towards economic stability. Families come to us in crisis; we help them rebuild their lives with new skills and ongoing support.
Our guiding principle is that every child deserves a home.
We strive to accomplish this by transforming the lives of families through two distinct paths.
First, we work with individual families to provide intensive, personalized case management to address their immediate crisis and long-term needs to secure lasting independence. This may include a variety of services, such as housing search assistance, landlord mediation, budgeting, and financial assistance for rental-related costs. Family Promise provides direct financial support and access to existing community resources for these families as they journey towards stability for an extended period of time with commitment on both sides of shared measurable goals.
Second, we offer free educational programs to the community that are uniquely, distinctly Family Promise. These programs are led and hosted by individuals and organizations committed to the ideals of Family Promise.
Our work is guided by three principles: client choice, respect, and empowerment.